Self Care

Self Care is Total Wellness.

Self Care is living in JOY, feeling balanced, pouring in more than you are pouring out.

Self Care is the conversation between your body, Soul and mind. Positive feedback make you feel balanced and light. 

Self Care is making healthy, loving, choices which benefits you and those you love, care for and interact with.

Self Care is nourishing your mind, your body and your Soul.

Self Care is Understanding your needs, limitations and your capabilities.

Self Care is setting Boundaries, knowing how to and when to say no.

Self Care is NOT a luxury...self care is a neccessity.

Self Care needs to be done throughout the day, every day.

Self Care is NOT selfish...Self Care is the most selfless act you can do.

When you take care of yourself, you can give other's the best of you and not just what is available. Self Care allows you to be the best version of Yourself.