Growing through Fear & Expanding Your Comfort Zone

I believe it is safe to say that change is inevitable, as we are changing on a daily basis. In essence…minute-by-minute, considering, the evolution of life guarantees that we will all encounter change and go through changes on the most basic level of existence, as there is no escaping the aging process. Aging is “unconscious change” and a natural process or expected course of life. In my experience, I have noticed that people are more uncomfortable with being conscious of change when a reward is not attached.

The process of change takes people out of their comfort zones. Leaving the comfort zone is what most people fear. People are more comfortable with the idea of change rather than the process of change. In cases of “planned change”, we attach positive meaning to the experience and look forward to the expected change, i.e… starting a new job, going on vacation or setting New Year’s resolutions. On this notion, change can be just as gratifying as it is scary, depending on the value that we assign to the outcomes of change. As we determine how much we want or need that thing outside of our comfort zone, we rate it and apply priority and desirability based on this rating.

When we assign a positive value to the “change experience”, the process of change is satisfying and the idea of change is not fearful, it is exciting and welcomed. People fear change based on the thoughts, beliefs and ratings which they have assigned to the fear that is in between the comfort zone and change. Our comfort zone is like a security blanket or more so, a security gate and our beliefs are the gatekeepers. While change is commonly seen as the direct opposite of safety, security and stability; it is these feelings of uncertainty that causes anxiety and fear. Staying in your comfort zone for fear of change may make you comfortable but it is not always comforting.

It is important to understand that there is a natural and healthy level of fear. Fear is not a bad thing but the way that one responds to fear can be unhealthy. We all have fears and we all have a comfort zone…the zone where we can sit in instinctually, without thought, it is easy, habitual and it takes no effort to be in our comfort zone. Leaving this zone can be anxiety producing and unnerving due to the uncertainty of what lies ahead and the possibility of an undesirable outcome. However, change is not something that we can avoid and fear is not something that we can go around; we have to go through the fear to get to change.

As we courageously leave the comforts of familiarity, we grow. Neale Donald Walsch’s quote “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” suggests that we only begin to truly experience life when we move outside of our comfort zone or as I often say…we “grow” through our fears. New experiences birth growth, expand our awareness and gives us moments to cherish…the many 1sts and all the amazing things that will never come into our lives if we are boxed into living only in the confinement of a comfort zone.

In order to live and not just exist, we must stretch our comfort zone, creating a bigger and more encompassing area to thrive and grow. While it is comforting to enjoy the predictability and security that we find in the comfort zone, learning to embrace the discomfort on the edge of our comfort zone is a necessity. Fear-based responses are dream killers and a time stealer. Fear can be very limiting. Fear is stifling…fear will keep you places that you do not want to be and take you places that you do not want to go!

Courage gets us to the other side of fear where hope, dreams and unlimited possibilities are. Learning, growth, creativity, prosperity and aspiration exists outside of our comfort zone. “Growing” through the fear removes our self-imposed barriers and allows us to add value and experiences to our life. With growth, we are able to tap into joy and be the best version of ourselves. Change is not easy but it is inevitable and always possible.