Total Wellness

As an integrative therapist, consultant and life coach, I use integrative and complementary practices to support the mind-spirit-body approach, which focuses on treating individuals holistically instead of separating medical wellness from mental wellness. I have successfully used this Total Wellness model and strengths based approach to help clients identify their strengths, navigate through challenges, set and achieve goals, overcome barriers and heal from traumatic experiences. 

I'm excited and proud to be a part of the progress in healthcare as it evolves from a pathological medical model to an integrative health model. It is promising to see that more providers, like myself, are adopting the mind-spirit-body approach, treating the whole person. Creative Solutions addresses all domains of Wellness as we implement the total wellness philosophy of healing and thriving. 

If you are healing from trauma or have unresolved trauma issues,  Creative Solutions is a safe place to process and grow through your trauma. I will work with you to assist you to enhance self awareness and practicing Total Wellness. As you increase awareness and learn healthy strategies to deal with stressors and practice self love and self care, you will improve your well being and life satisfaction.

Your Wellness matters...let's talk about it!

If you are ready to be empowered, inspired and supported to prioritize your life to promote Total Wellness and JOY daily, I am ready to assist you to be the best version of yourself as you start to live a life you love living. Wellness is for everyone...If you are interested in living your best life, contact me.

It is Never too late to live your dream life! 

Mental Wellness Matters

Mental Health does not discriminate…Mental Health Illness is in every culture and every community.

  • In America, 1 out of 5 adults suffers from a mental illness.
  • More than 50% of people with a mental health condition do not receive treatment.
  • Each year, 6 million men suffer from at least one mental illness.
  • It is common for depression to occur with a medical condition.
  • Mental health disorders are more prevalent than cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.

Treating your mental health is an asset, reflecting strength, not a weakness!

Let’s break down stigma so no one struggles in silence

Let’s start talking about it!


Download a FREE Wellness Assessment

Download the Pre Consult Form 

 Virtual Therapy, Coaching,

Consulting  and Supervision 

Serlina James,


Ph# 786-496-2141